In this example, Maschine In 1 is chosen. Directly under 1-Maschine 2, select the output channel.This will send the synthesizer's audio to MASCHINE. Under Audio To, select the the instrument track where MASCHINE is loaded (i.e.Note: Choose a stereo pair of inputs or a single mono input on your audio track, depending on your synthesizer's audio output. In this example, the input pair 1/2 is chosen.

In, select the inputs on your audio interface that are receiving the signal from your external synthesizer.

This allows the synthesizer track to receive MIDI from the MASCHINE 2 plug-in. Under MIDI From, select the track containing the MASCHINE 2 plug-in (e.g.

If not using a MASCHINE MK3, make sure your audio / MIDI interface is connected and powered on.The external synthesizer uses audio and MIDI cable connections. In this example, MASCHINE MK3 is used, which serves as both the audio and MIDI interface. Note: The Auto Sampler is available in MASCHINE 2.15.0 and higher. In this article, we explain how to use the MASCHINE Auto Sampler with an external synthesizer in Ableton Live.